Background Remove & Background Changing for your products for Ebay & amazon Fiverr Gig only for 5$

Only for 5$ 

Product Background Removel & Retouching Service 

  • remove the background and replace with pure white
  • add fake shadow/reflection

PNG Format File (Transparent )

  •  Fast Delivery

  • 100 %  Satisfaction

  • High quality and professional looking results

  • Fast & friendly customer service

Also, there is NOTHING I can do with blurry pictures. Try to take the picture again...if you don't own a tripod, hold the camera steady with the back of a chair.

Background Remove and Changing for ebay & amazon or any other service

for other service
check this fiverr gig

AUTOR: Dreamitouch
Expert team of graphic designers. we have almost 5 years of experience.We are proficient in Graphic Design.Our first priority is client's satisfaction.We create a new concepts for each of our project and providing the best to the client.