are an essential part of any photo editing workflow, but often,
selections aren't as straight-forward as they might seem. In this
tutorial we will explain how to make a selection of a glass that
includes transparent elements. Let's get started!
Tutorial Assets
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.
Selections are an essential part of the image editing process in
Photoshop. The process of making a selection is easy but sometimes
transparent areas can make the process a bit more complicated. For these
types of project, the pen tool is not sufficient. To select areas with a
variable level of transparency we need a tool or command which will let
us manipulate the brightness information of the color channels of that
image. Because we are not only interested in creating a simple cut-out,
rather we are more interested in creating a mask, where we can store
variable level of brightness information for defining that complex level
of transparency. As a channel is just a grayscale image we can use that
channel effectively to create a mask, because a mask also uses
grayscale (pure white=100% opaque and pure black= 100% transparent) to
store transparency information.
Step 2
One of the major advantages of having access to the separate channels
in Photoshop is the ability to make selections. You can use individual
channels to make different selections in the image. When you want to
select a specific item in the image, use the color channels that provide
the greatest contrast around the edges of that item. So let’s start the
initial planning phase.
Step 3
This is the original image. Though this is a CMYK image, same process
will work in case of an RGB image. Only difference will be in the
Channels panel. Instead of four color channels and one composite
channel, there will be three color channels and one composite channel in
the RGB image. The objective of this tutorial is to remove the black
portion but to keep the glass, water, bubbles and the reflection below
the glass. So we can use it on any other background (Solid color or
photo). For this tutorial we will use Apply Image command (Image >
Apply Image).
Step 4
The Apply Image command lets you blend one image’s layer and channel
with a layer and channel of the active image. But remember the pixel
dimensions of the images must match for image names to appear in the
Apply Image dialog box. But here we are not using two images. We are
blending the black channel copy with the black channel copy itself. But
the power of the Apply Image is hiding within the Target section. Here
you can specify a blend mode or blending type which you want to use
during the Apply Image blend.
Step 5
Open the file in Photoshop. Then in the Channels panel examine the
channels for a channel with good contrast. Finding a channel with good
contrast is essential for good selection.
Step 6
Here the black channel is showing good contrast between the glass and the background.
Step 7
Duplicate the black channel by dragging it over the ‘create new
channel’ icon below the Channels Panel. You can also right click on the
black channel and select duplicate channel.
Step 8
Then select the black channel copy and Image > Apply Image.
Step 9
First blend one time with Multiply mode to increase black and in this
process convert from the background any area to black which is gray.
But reduce the opacity (within the Target section) amount to 50% to
create a blend which is not too strong. Otherwise we might remove some
white areas, as they are not pure white.
Step 10
The Multiply blend mode looks at the color information in each
channel and multiplies the base color by the blend color. The resultant
color is always a darker color. Multiplying any color with black
produces black. By using the Multiply blend mode we are removing any
grey portion from the background.
Step 11
Then blend two times with Overlay blend to increase white. Now we can
easily select the white area. Our goal here is to create an effective,
fast and acceptable mask with this process. This time use 100% Opacity
in the blending area.
Step 12
The Overlay blend mode multiplies or screens the colors, depending on
the base color. The base color is not replaced, but mixed with the
blend color to reflect the lightness or darkness of the original color.
White areas become brighter and black areas become darker. By using the
Overlay blend mode we are increasing the strength of the white portion
as we want to keep the white portion but mask out the black portion in
the final image.
Step 13
You can still tweak the black channel copy by using a brush and paint
with white or black color. Paint with white to keep image areas and
paint with black to remove or mask out portion. White denotes opaqueness
and black denotes transparency within a channel.
Step 14
Load the black channel copy as a selection by either
Command/Ctrl-click on the channel or click the first button below the
channels panel, which is load channel as a selection.
Step 15
Then go to the Layers panel and duplicate the background layer by
dragging it over the create new layer button below the layers panel. You
can also right click on the background layer and select Duplicate
Step 16
Then target the new layer (Background copy) by left clicking on it
once. Selection still active, click on mask icon below the Layers panel
to create a mask.
Step 17
Now create a new blank layer below and fill it with either red or
blue. Now check the quality of the mask. You will find that within the
mask there are few grey areas.
Step 18
There are two processes to remove this unwanted grey area. Although
first process described below will give you the best output, but still
let’s explore both of them.
Step 19
Process 1: Change the blend mode of background copy layer to Lighten in order to remove grey area.
Step 20
Lighten blend mode looks at the color information in each channel and
pixels darker than the blend colors are replaced, and pixels lighter
than the blend color do not change. As a result dark grey pixels
Step 21
Process 2: Command/Ctrl-click on the background copy mask thumbnail
to load the mask as a selection. You can also load the selection from
the black channel copy.
Step 22
Then click on the Adjustment layer icon below the Layers panel.
Step 23
This will create a new Levels Adjustment layer.
Step 24
Then in the levels dialogue box first drag the midtone input slider
(middle one) and then the highlight input slider (right one) towards
left to remove grey area or rather converts grey into white.
Step 25
After applying Lighten blend mode, if you check closely you will find
that there are a few broken portions within the white area. You can use
the Clone Stamp Tool to fix these areas.
Step 26
That’s it. You can use the same technique to select complex objects
with variable level of transparency. Below is the before and after
Final Image
This is the final version.
AUTOR: Dreamitouch
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